In [11]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import seaborn as sns

import weather

import importlib
In [12]:
<module 'weather' from '/Users/oneoPk/Desktop/Classes/330/final-project/'>
In [13]:
<module 'plants' from '/Users/oneoPk/Desktop/Classes/330/final-project/'>
In [14]:
# showing only 10 rows when trying to print the whole pandas dataset 
pd.options.display.max_rows = 15
In [15]:
import json  # need it for json.dumps
import altair as alt
from altair.vega import v3
from IPython.display import HTML

# Create the correct URLs for require.js to find the Javascript libraries
vega_url = '' + v3.SCHEMA_VERSION
vega_lib_url = ''
vega_lite_url = '' + alt.SCHEMA_VERSION
vega_embed_url = ''
noext = "?noext"

paths = {
    'vega': vega_url + noext,
    'vega-lib': vega_lib_url + noext,
    'vega-lite': vega_lite_url + noext,
    'vega-embed': vega_embed_url + noext

workaround = """
    baseUrl: '',
    paths: {paths}

    "This code block sets up embedded rendering in HTML."
This code block sets up embedded rendering in HTML.
In [16]:
# Define the function for rendering
def add_autoincrement(render_func):
    # Keep track of unique <div/> IDs
    cache = {}
    def wrapped(chart, id="vega-chart", autoincrement=True):
        """Render an altair chart directly via javascript.
        This is a workaround for functioning export to HTML.
        (It probably messes up other ways to export.) It will
        cache and autoincrement the ID suffixed with a
        number (e.g. vega-chart-1) so you don't have to deal
        with that.
        if autoincrement:
            if id in cache:
                counter = 1 + cache[id]
                cache[id] = counter
                cache[id] = 0
            actual_id = id if cache[id] == 0 else id + '-' + str(cache[id])
            if id not in cache:
                cache[id] = 0
            actual_id = id
        return render_func(chart, id=actual_id)
    # Cache will stay defined and keep track of the unique div Ids
    return wrapped

def render(chart, id="vega-chart"):
    # This below is the javascript to make the chart directly using vegaEmbed
    chart_str = """
    <div id="{id}"></div><script>
    require(["vega-embed"], function(vegaEmbed) {{
        const spec = {chart};     
        vegaEmbed("#{id}", spec, {{defaultStyle: true}}).catch(console.warn);
    return HTML(
            chart=json.dumps(chart) if isinstance(chart, dict) else chart.to_json(indent=None)

Effects of Climate on Botrytis Infection in Peonies

1. Weather Data

First, I am geting the data from the weather api for the appropriate months

In [17]:
# shorthand notation for the relelvant cities
AA = "Ann Arbor, MI"
MSK = "Minsk, Belarus"

# this are the date blocks to fetch
april     = ['04-15','04-30']
may       = ['05-01','05-31']
june      = ['06-01','06-30']
july      = ['07-01','07-31']
august    = ['08-01','08-31']
september = ['09-01','09-30']

def get_weather_data(city,months,years,file):
    # Request to API and Dumping data to CSV
    data = weather.get_weather_data(city,years,months)
    weather.dump_to_csv(file, days = data)

    # reading weather into pandas dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv(file)

    # coverting the date column into a 'datetime' column ='datetime64[ns]')
    # making the column with average temperature
    df['avgtempC'] = (df['maxtempC'] + df['mintempC'])/2

    # returning the result
    return df
In [18]:
city   = AA
months = [may,june,july,august]
years  = [2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018]
file   = 'aa_weather.csv'

# getting weather data for each day of given month
aa_weather_df = get_weather_data(city,months,years,file)

# need to calculate averages for each year
aa_weather_mean_by_year_df = aa_weather_df.groupby(
In [19]:
city   = MSK
months = [may,june,july,august]
years  = [2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018]
file   = 'msk_weather.csv'

# getting weather data for each day of given month
msk_weather_df = get_weather_data(city,months,years,file)

# need to calculate averages for each year
msk_weather_mean_by_year_df = msk_weather_df.groupby(
In [20]:
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])

msk = alt.Chart(msk_weather_df).mark_line().encode(
    x=alt.X('date:T', scale={'domain': brush.ref()}),
    y=alt.Y('humidity:Q',scale = {'domain':(40, 100)})

aa = alt.Chart(aa_weather_df).mark_line().encode(
    x=alt.X('date:T', scale={'domain': brush.ref()}),
    y=alt.Y('humidity:Q',scale = {'domain':(40, 100)})

lower =(
)+aa.add_selection(brush)).properties(title="Interractive mini-map. Select using cursor the areas you'd like to zoom into")

render(alt.vconcat(msk,aa,msk+aa,lower).properties(title='Humidity in Minsk, Bealrus and Ann Arbor, MI, USA').configure_mark(opacity=0.8))
In [21]:
msk = msk.encode(y=alt.Y('avgtempC:Q'))
aa = aa.encode(y=alt.Y('avgtempC:Q')) 

plot = alt.vconcat(msk,aa,msk+aa,lower).properties(title='Temperature in Minsk and Ann Arbor')
In [22]:
msk = msk.encode(y=alt.Y('cloudcover:Q',scale = {'domain':(-10, 110)}))
aa = aa.encode(y=alt.Y('cloudcover:Q',scale = {'domain':(-10, 110)}))

render(alt.vconcat(msk,aa,msk+aa,lower).properties(title='Cloudcover in Minsk, Bealrus and Ann Arbor, MI, USA'))
In [23]:
msk = msk.encode(y=alt.Y('precipMM:Q',scale = {'domain':(-10, 50)})).mark_line()
aa = aa.encode(y=alt.Y('precipMM:Q',scale = {'domain':(-10, 50)})).mark_line()

render(alt.vconcat(msk,aa,msk+aa,lower).properties(title='Precipitation in Minsk, Bealrus and Ann Arbor, MI, USA'))

2. Plants Data

Second, I am going to collect the plants' morphological properties into a pandas dataframe to combine with weather data

In [24]:
file_name = 'data/plants/msk_aa_15-18.xlsx'
sheet_nums = [4,5,6,7]
column_names = ["No",

plants_aa_df = plants.read_excel(file_name, sheet_nums = sheet_nums, na_values=['NA','Na'], column_names=column_names)
In [25]:
No genetic_Acc_No num Cultivar Serial_No ID Regidity Thickness Bush Early_Bot Bot Mildew date City
28 53.0 53.1 53.2 Polar Star 377.0 154AB 4.25 1.041667 4.5 NaN 0.020 0.1 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor
29 54.0 54.1 54.2 Edulus Superba 97.0 42AB 4.15 0.880000 4.5 NaN 0.200 NaN 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor
30 106.0 106.1 106.2 Kansas NaN 24CD 4.50 1.155000 4.5 NaN 0.150 1.5 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor
31 112.0 112.1 112.2 Richard Carvel NaN 44EF NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor
32 113.0 113.1 113.2 Richardson Perfection NaN 124CD 3.75 1.031667 3.5 NaN 0.075 NaN 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor

3. Combining both

Finally, it is time to combine the weather data with the plants data

First, lets take a look at the weather data average by years

In [26]:
maxtempC mintempC precipMM humidity cloudcover avgtempC
2012 22.138211 11.617886 3.608943 72.853659 38.593496 16.878049
2013 23.544715 12.601626 2.954472 70.081301 32.739837 18.073171
2014 24.138211 12.024390 3.405691 67.837398 38.699187 18.081301
2015 23.146341 11.211382 1.502439 68.991870 32.617886 17.178862
2016 22.463415 12.373984 2.100813 74.723577 37.016260 17.418699
2017 20.756098 14.788618 3.184553 71.357724 36.707317 17.772358
2018 21.943089 16.666667 3.470732 75.642276 43.398374 19.304878
In [27]:
maxtempC mintempC precipMM humidity cloudcover avgtempC
2012 29.569106 19.634146 2.061789 64.422764 24.926829 24.601626
2013 25.073171 16.951220 2.753659 77.138211 37.113821 21.012195
2014 24.967480 16.471545 3.622764 82.170732 34.040650 20.719512
2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488
2016 26.455285 17.772358 3.247967 70.861789 44.146341 22.113821
2017 24.373984 16.219512 3.739837 72.032520 31.479675 20.296748
2018 25.186992 16.829268 4.651220 70.934959 42.341463 21.008130

It looks like year is in a string format and is the only connection between two datasets
Going to create a new column year to match weather and plants on

In [28]:
plants_aa_df['year'] = x: str(x)[0:4])
In [29]:
No genetic_Acc_No num Cultivar Serial_No ID Regidity Thickness Bush Early_Bot Bot Mildew date City year
14 39.0 39.1 39.2 La Rosiere 201.0 82AB 3.5 0.83 3.5 NaN 0.055 NaN 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor 2018
30 106.0 106.1 106.2 Kansas NaN 24CD NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2017-07-10 Ann Arbor 2017
17 42.0 42.1 42.2 Marie Crousse 81.0 34CD 4.0 0.82 4.5 NaN 0.200 NaN 2018-07-26 Ann Arbor 2018
17 42.0 42.1 42.2 Marie Crousse 81.0 34CD 3.0 NaN 3.0 NaN 0.150 NaN 2017-07-10 Ann Arbor 2017

both columns must be the same format

In [30]:
plants_aa_df.year = plants_aa_df.year.astype('str')
aa_weather_mean_by_year_df.index = aa_weather_mean_by_year_df.index.astype('str')

now we can combine two datasets

In [31]:
plants_weather_aa_df = plants_aa_df.merge(aa_weather_mean_by_year_df, left_on='year', right_on='date')
In [32]:
No genetic_Acc_No num Cultivar Serial_No ID Regidity Thickness Bush Early_Bot ... Mildew date City year maxtempC mintempC precipMM humidity cloudcover avgtempC
0 25.0 25.1 25.2 Albert Crousse 391.0 161CD 3.125 7.285 3.00 NaN ... 0.0 2015-07-11 Ann Arbor 2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488
1 26.0 26.1 26.2 Arcturus 115.0 45AB 2.750 6.100 3.00 NaN ... 0.1 2015-07-11 Ann Arbor 2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488
2 27.0 27.1 27.2 Arlequin 73.0 33AB 3.000 7.250 4.00 NaN ... 0.0 2015-07-11 Ann Arbor 2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488
3 28.0 28.1 28.2 Augustin D'Hour = General MacMahon 383.0 155AB 3.500 8.450 4.25 NaN ... 0.0 2015-07-11 Ann Arbor 2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488
4 29.0 29.1 29.2 Boule de Neige 211.0 84CD 4.000 8.935 4.00 NaN ... 0.0 2015-07-11 Ann Arbor 2015 26.195122 17.365854 3.277236 75.560976 39.560976 21.780488

5 rows × 21 columns

4. Combined Data Processing

I'd like to find the top plants that are most resistant to Botrytis (Bot)
Specifically I am looking for plant that have never gone above threshold in Bot column

In [33]:
# setting the cutoff threshold
threshold = 0.4

# grouping the plants by the name and looking for the maximum infection level within plant
max_bot_df = plants_weather_aa_df.groupby('Cultivar').Bot.max()

# finding most resistant based on the threshold
most_resistant = max_bot_df[max_bot_df < threshold]
most_resistant_list = most_resistant.index

# filtering the original dataframe with all the plants to select only the most resistant
most_resistant_df = plants_weather_aa_df[ plants_weather_aa_df.Cultivar.isin(most_resistant_list) ]
Couronne d'Or            0.350
Do Tell                  0.100
Fortune Teller           0.150
Kansas                   0.150
La Perle                 0.200
Marie Lemoine            0.300
Polar Star               0.200
Richardson Perfection    0.075
Name: Bot, dtype: float64

let's take a look at what the most resistant look like

In [34]:
Fortune Teller           4
Do Tell                  4
La Perle                 4
Marie Lemoine            4
Polar Star               4
Couronne d'Or            4
Richardson Perfection    3
Kansas                   3
Name: Cultivar, dtype: int64

removing Richardson Perfection and Kansas as it has only 1 record and might be not good data

In [35]:
most_resistant_df = most_resistant_df[most_resistant_df.Cultivar != 'Richardson Perfection']
most_resistant_df = most_resistant_df[most_resistant_df.Cultivar != 'Kansas']

Fortune Teller    4
Do Tell           4
Marie Lemoine     4
La Perle          4
Couronne d'Or     4
Polar Star        4
Name: Cultivar, dtype: int64

Now, looking for plants that are least resistant [susceptible] to Botrytis (Bot)
Specifically I am looking for plant that have never gone lower than threshold in Bot column

In [36]:
# finding least resistant based on the threshold
least_resistant = max_bot_df[max_bot_df > 1.5]
least_resistant_list = least_resistant.index

# filtering the original dataframe with all the plants to select only the most resistant
least_resistant_df = plants_weather_aa_df[ plants_weather_aa_df.Cultivar.isin(least_resistant_list) ]
Arcturus                2.00
Arlequin                2.00
Boule de Neige          2.00
Edulus Superba          2.00
La Rosiere              2.60
Madame de Verneville    2.00
Marie d'Hour            1.75
Monsieur Dupont         2.00
Monsieur Jules Elie     2.75
Octavie Demay           3.00
Name: Bot, dtype: float64

5. Visual Exploration

Defining a function that can display interractive scatterplots via Altair

In [37]:
def bot_interractive_scatterplots(source, title):
    brush = alt.selection(type='interval', resolve='global')

    base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle(size = 125).encode(
    #     color = 'Cultivar:N',
        color=alt.condition(brush, 'Cultivar', alt.ColorValue('gray'))
    #     shape = 'Cultivar:O',
    #     size = 'Bot:Q'

    # definign scale for y
    s_temp   = alt.Scale(domain=(20, 23))
    s_humid  = alt.Scale(domain=(69, 77))
    s_percip = alt.Scale(domain=(3, 5))
    s_cloud  = alt.Scale(domain=(30, 46))

    # plotting graphs next to each other
    return (base.encode(alt.Y('avgtempC',scale = s_temp))|\
    base.encode(alt.Y('humidity',scale = s_humid))|\
    base.encode(alt.Y('precipMM',scale = s_percip))|\
    base.encode(alt.Y('cloudcover',scale = s_cloud))).properties(title=title)

now using the function to plot Most Resistant Species

In [38]:
render(bot_interractive_scatterplots(most_resistant_df,'Botrytis and Climate relationship among Resistant Species'))

now same but for Less Resistant Species

In [39]:
render(bot_interractive_scatterplots(least_resistant_df,'Botrytis and Climate relationship among Least Resistant Species'))
In [40]:
source = most_resistant_df

brush = alt.selection(type='interval', resolve='global')

base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
    alt.Y('humidity:Q',scale=alt.Scale(domain=(69, 77),clamp=True)),
    color=alt.condition(brush, 'Cultivar', alt.ColorValue('gray'))

render(base.encode(x='Bot') | base.encode(x='Bush'))
In [41]:
source = least_resistant_df

base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
    alt.Y('avgtempC:Q',scale=alt.Scale(domain=(19, 23),clamp=True)),
    color=alt.condition(brush, 'Cultivar:N', alt.ColorValue('gray'))

render(base.encode(x='Bot') | base.encode(x='Bush')

Plotting the most resistant species to see if there might be correlation between climate and infections level

In [42]:
g = sns.PairGrid(most_resistant_df, vars=['Bot','avgtempC', 'precipMM', 'cloudcover','humidity'])
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x11b98ab00>

Now same process but for least resistant

In [43]:
g = sns.PairGrid(least_resistant_df, vars=['Bot','avgtempC', 'precipMM', 'cloudcover','humidity'])
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x1a241fc2e8>
In [44]:
df_temp = most_resistant_df

mr1 = sns.lmplot(x='avgtempC', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='humidity', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='precipMM', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='cloudcover', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
In [45]:
df_temp = least_resistant_df
mr1 = sns.lmplot(x='avgtempC', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='humidity', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='precipMM', y='Bot', data=df_temp)
mr2 = sns.lmplot(x='cloudcover', y='Bot', data=df_temp)

This is the correlation for the most resistant cultivars

In [46]:
most_resistant_df[['avgtempC','humidity','precipMM','cloudcover','Bot']].corr(method = 'pearson')
avgtempC humidity precipMM cloudcover Bot
avgtempC 1.000000 0.197314 -0.556154 0.807600 0.520022
humidity 0.197314 1.000000 -0.471050 -0.221062 0.037895
precipMM -0.556154 -0.471050 1.000000 0.024654 -0.472540
cloudcover 0.807600 -0.221062 0.024654 1.000000 0.312931
Bot 0.520022 0.037895 -0.472540 0.312931 1.000000

This is the correlation for the least resistant cultivars

In [47]:
least_resistant_df[['avgtempC','humidity','precipMM','cloudcover','Bot']].corr(method = 'pearson')
avgtempC humidity precipMM cloudcover Bot
avgtempC 1.000000 0.197314 -0.556154 0.807600 0.431747
humidity 0.197314 1.000000 -0.471050 -0.221062 0.903119
precipMM -0.556154 -0.471050 1.000000 0.024654 -0.529290
cloudcover 0.807600 -0.221062 0.024654 1.000000 0.035850
Bot 0.431747 0.903119 -0.529290 0.035850 1.000000