Vanya's Resume
Photo of Cthulu

Vanya Prokopovich

Home: 721 Catherine St. Ann Arbor, MI
Cell: 734-707-7911

Innovative problem solver. Strives to use information technologies to improve people's lives. Masters any skills and excels at tasks of any difficulty. Young leader and social entrepreneur, exceptionally resourceful and comfortable with digital media. Vanya is not just a hard worker, he is a creative, smart and efficient problem solver. Will stand till the end for the purpose worth fighting for!


University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI

Major: Designing a Better World
Minor: Entrepreneurship, Computer Science, Visual Design
Coursework: Architecture, Information Studies, Art&Design, Organizational psychology, Kinesiology , Nutrition Sciences, Public Health, Science of Creativity


Technical skills

- Design of print and digital graphics/media (Adobe InDesign, Illustrator)
- Infographics Development (Adobe Illustrator, Tableau)
- Development (Python + Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Prototyping (Sketch, InVision, Craft)
- Data Visulization (R, Tableau D3.js)
- Animation (stop motion or digital in After Effects)
- Backflips (20 in a row inside the elevator)

Useful skills

- Adobe Creative Suite
- Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, etc)
- Windows- and Mac- fluent


Desai Accelerator Iformation Architect | Summer 2018

  • Worked with 6 early-stage startups to get them to be 'investible'
  • Developed front- and back- end solutions for websites and applications in Python, Flask, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • Produced interractive vizualizations on collected data by the accelerator
  • Generated graphic materal

The Ubuntu School Parkour coach | 2016 - 2017

  • Introduced children of 3 – 5 year old to Movement Language, through parkour practice
  • Constructed and Designed a fully operational, modular playground structure

Backyard Brains Senior Graphic Designer | 2012-2015

  • Directed art and design processes at a fast growing neuroscience startup
  • Developed a smartphone-powered, portable DIY microscope for under $100 per unit through collaboration with a product designer; design processes included rapid prototyping using Adobe Creative Suite, industrial laser cutter, 3D printing and injection molding

JUMP Magazine Graphic Designer - London, UK - 2009 – 2012

  • Edited magazine layouts using Adobe InDesign (>50 pages)
  • DevPerformed Photo editing and retouching

Movement Creative Data Visualization & Analytics, Coach - New York City, NY - 2015 - 2017

  • Developed infographics to represent concepts from Institute of Play
  • Oversaw coaches and developed curriculum for over 600 children K-12
Parkour and Freerunning
Saving the World

Procurious (Always Proactive + passionately curious)
Extremely resourceful
Won’t settle for “Good enough”

Available on request